1080 results:
91. Opening of the Erich Kästner Research Centre  
In 1983, an Erich Kästner memorial room was set up in the clock tower of Blutenburg Castle, where first editions of Erich Kästner's works as well as some documents and photos were on display. After…  
92. Kästner's humour. Between subjective disposition and objective requirement  
Humour is the umbrella of the wise Erich Kästner used the most diverse facets of humour; they are a constitutive element of his poetics. Even everyday self-help literature makes use of the author's…  
93. IYL Foundation  
Dr. Sabine Solf Clara Fernández López Dr. Rolf Griebel Dr. Max Medrisch Uta-Christina Biskup Dr. Christiane Raabe Christopher Franceschelli Dr. Elisabeth Donoughue Bärbel…  
94. Donations  
Support our work with your donation! Our work is guided by the conviction that children’s and young adult books are an essential part of the cultural life of a society and of a country, and as such…  
95. Blutenburg Castle  
Blutenburg Castle Since 1983, the International Youth Library has been housed in Blutenburg Castle, situated in Obermenzing, a quarter in the western part of Munich. The historical building…  
96. Open a book, start a movie!  
Using simple tools, children aged eight and up create short films on a tablet PC based on well-known stories or stories they have invented themselves. No prior knowledge or technical equipment is…  
97. The Festival of Lights  
98. Crafting: Houses of Lights  
At the International Youth Library, we have been celebrating the Festival of Lights in this tradition for over 25 years. This year, children can make colorful houses of lights all day on the “Buß-…  
100. NotenTexte. "The Little Witch" - A musical and literary event for school classes  
Otfried Preußler is one of the great German-language storytellers for children. He would have turned 100 years old on 20 October. To mark the occasion, we are staging his popular children's book "The…  
Search results 91 until 100 of 1080