Lucia means "the shining one," "the radiant one." She lived in Sicily at the end of the 3rd century and helped persecuted people and fugitives who sought refuge in caves and catacombs. Lucia provided…
Friends of the International Youth Library Foundation
Children and youth literature needs friends! In times when public funds for youth and cultural activities are becoming increasingly scarce, more…
Literanauten at the International Youth Library
Literanauten is a nationwide reading promotion project of the Arbeitskreis für Jugendliteratur e.V. (AKJ - The Association for Children's and Youth…
A picture auction organised by the Friends of the Foundation
The association of the Friends of the International Youth Library Foundation have asked popular and successful picture and children's…
House and Use Regulations
E-mail Registration
The Erich Kästner Research Centre is located in the Blutenburg gate tower since February 2024. It houses the library and archive of Erich Kästner…
At the International Youth Library, we have been celebrating the Festival of Lights in this tradition for over 25 years. In 2024, children again can make colorful houses of lights all day on the…
Erich Kästner Research Archive by Johan Zonneveld
Erich Kästner Research Archive by Johan Zonneveld
The database contains all metadata from:
Johan Zonneveld Bibliography Erich Kästner (in 4…
To accompany our exhibitions, we offer workshops that will whet the appetite for books, stories and creativity. Experience books from all over the world with your pupils in a very unique way. For…