1080 results:
151. Books from my Childhood  
Unfortunately we have to cancel the event "Books from my Childhood" on 12 July with Tanja Maljarchuk and the opening of the exhibition "Ukrainian childhood in war and peace" due to illness. We…  
152. Barbara Yelin with Alexander Korb -"But I Live. Four Stories of Child Suvivors of the Holocaust"  
Barbara Yelin (comic artist) presents in words and pictures her graphic novel about the survival of eight-year-old Emmie Arbel in the Nazi concentration camps. Alexander Korb (historian)…  
153. "Congratulations, dear Maria Friedrich!" On the 100th birthday of the founder and publisher of dtv junior  
By chance, she became a children's book publisher in 1971 and found her vocation in this profession: Maria Friedrich (1922-2012), founder of dtv junior, successfully shaped the dtv children's book…  
154. "I know something you don't know"  
World knowledge for young people from the 18th century to the present in the light of the Werner Ziesel collection Non-fiction books for children and young people invite their readers to immerse…  
155. Forbidden and Persecuted - School Project in Memory of the Book Burning 1933  
Als am 10. Mai 1933 in Berlin Bücher auf Scheiterhaufen brannten, stand Erich Kästner in der Menge und sah zu, wie junge Menschen seine Bücher stapelweise ins Feuer warfen. Auch Kinderbücher standen…  
156. NotenTexte. Danse Macabre  
A musical-literary evening The exciting interplay of music and literature is given a stage in the series "NotenTexte. Musical-Literary Evenings" series of the Bayerischer Rundfunk. Music and…  
157. "The White Ravens" Panel  
A lyrical treasure trove. The International Youth Library’s "Der Kinder Kalender" First published in 2011, "Der Kinder Kalender” (The Children's Calendar), edited by the International Youth Library,…  
158. Ronya Othmann - Die Sommer  
"The Summers" is the touching novel debut of the winner of the 2019 Ingeborg Bachmann Audience Award. The story is dedicated to the growing up of Leyla, a high school student from Munich, torn in…  
159. A fantastic island adventure  
The writing workshop is aimed at German-speaking children.  
160. A fantastic island adventure  
The writing workshop is aimed at German-speaking children.  
Search results 151 until 160 of 1080

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