Apr 2219:00

Concert and Reading

NotenTexte. Danse Macabre


A musical-literary evening

The exciting interplay of music and literature is given a stage in the series "NotenTexte. Musical-Literary Evenings" series of the Bayerischer Rundfunk. Music and literature refer to each other, coordinate with each other and with each other, sounds, rhythms and pitches are taken up by texts and retold and vice versa. Literary and musical language complement each other, enrich each other, and develop a great sensual power in their cooperation and opposition. The series "NotenTexte" aims to open up associative spaces and create special listening experiences.

The programme includes pieces by F. Mendelssohn, M. Ravel and A. Caplet that relate to grotesque material, which will be included in the readings curated by Antonio Pellegrino. 


Jehye Lee, violin

Julita Smolen, violin

Benedict Hames, viola

Frederike Jehkul-Sadler, violoncello

Magdalena Hoffmann, harp

Heiko Ruprecht, speaker

Antonio Pellegrino, concept 


Advance booking will start on March 22. For further information, please visit the BRSO website.

A cooperation of the Foundation International Youth Library and the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra

Event in German language.

© Photos: BR / Julia Wesely (Julita Smolen & Magdalena Hoffmann), Christian Hartmann (Heiko Ruprecht) & Andreas Jehkul (Frederike Jehkul-Sadler)