Writing class
Writing Workshop Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site "Finding Words for the Intangible"
Writing Workshop in cooperation with the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site
Finding Words for the Intangible
Creative writing about Nazi atrocities? How does that fit together? It is precisely the process of writing that opens up new and personal approaches to the subject matter for young people. After all, the guided tour of the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site triggers very different emotions in young people: Shock, incomprehension or even a defensive attitude - what does this have to do with me? After the visit to the memorial site, the day's program enables young people to creatively explore their own reactions and feelings in a writing workshop at the International Youth Library at Schloss Blutenburg.
9.30 – 12 a.m.:
Biographical-documentary guided tour of the Concentration Camp Memorial Site:
In the morning, the young people take part in a guided tour of the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site. There, the history of the site will be conveyed by including the still visible traces of the concentration camp and the permanent exhibition. Special emphasis is placed on the records of contemporary witnesses.
12 noon – 14 p.m.:
Break and drive to Blutenburg Castle (easily possible by public transport)
14 – 16.30 p.m.:
Writing workshop at the International Youth Library:
By changing location in the afternoon, the students gain the necessary distance to process what they have experienced. At the International Youth Library, youth book editor Frank Griesheimer accompanies the workshop by offering participants writing access and professionally discussing the texts with them at the end of the workshop.
Target group: from the 9th grade and for young adults
Costs: 180 € per group (max. 30 person)
Registration: 089/891211-49 or programm@ijb.de
Under the direction of Frank Griesheimer
Frank Griesheimer works as an editor for youth book publishers, specializing in contemporary historical topics.
Further information on the cooperation with the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site can be found at here.
An educational project in memory of the author Mirjam Pressler, who fought against anti-Semitism and forgetting throughout her life.