Andreas Steinhöfel Estate
Andreas Steinhöfel (born in 1962), one of the most successful and versatile authors of books for children and young adults today, has been a frequent guest at the International Youth Library, where he left the first part of his literary legacy as a deposit in 2017.
It contains notes, sketches and various manuscript versions of the works written by Andreas Steinhöfel. For his first children's book "Dirk und ich", for example, illustrations, an edited version, galley proofs, and a documentation of his first reading at the Frankfurt Book Fair have been preserved.
Various manuscript stages of his famous "Rico, Oskar" books, such as his own handwritten correction, a correction by his editor and proofreading versions, allow the creation process of the works to be traced.
Other manuscripts include a theatrical adaptation of "Es ist ein Elch entsprungen", "Glitzerkatze und Stinkmaus", "Paul Vier und die Schröders", the original version of "O Patria Mia" on the back of a translation, Plot sketches for "Anders" and "Die Mitte der Welt", an unedited version of "Der mechanische Prinz", scripts for the TV series "Löwenzahn" as well as lectures and reviews by Andreas Steinhöfel on books for children and young adults.