[Translate to english:] ©Internationale Jugendbibliothek

Poetry Recommendations for Children 2025

Online, in book stores and libraries as of now!

The annual poetry recommendations were announced on World Poetry Day: 11 poetry books for children and 20 volumes for adults. The recommended poetry volumes can be found in around 380 bookshops and libraries throughout Germany and are presented at festivals, readings and workshops in many places. In the children's library, the selected books for children are marked with a Haikuh sticker and are thus easily recognizable.

Educational material for teaching poetry in nurseries and elementary school is available to download free of charge - all at www.lyrik-empfehlungen.de

Six literary institutions have joined forces for this project, which aims to make children's poetry more visible in all its diversity and thus also support authors, publishers, libraries and bookshops.
Above all, however, the recommendations aim to convey a desire for poetic language games and thus promote language acquisition and reading skills. 

On March 28, the poetry recommendations for children will be presented at the book fair in Leipzig by our colleague Ines Galling, editor for German-language and Scandinavian literature, among others.

The "Poetry Recommendations for Children" are a cooperation project between the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, the Stiftung Internationale Jugendbibliothek, the Stiftung Lyrik Kabinett, the Haus für Poesie, the Deutscher Bibliotheksverband, and the Deutscher Literaturfonds.