Travelling exhibition
Michael Ende
Life and Works in Texts and Pictures
With “Jim Button and Luke the engine driver”, “Momo”, and “The Neverending Story”, Michael Ende (1929-1995) created timeless classics of children’s and young adult literature, which have been translated into over 40 world languages. They are read as enthusiastically today as when they were first published in the 1960s and 1970s. The oeuvre of Ende, one of the first authors of German-language fantasy literature, appeals not only to children and adolescents, but also to adult readers. While not without its detours, Michael Ende’s life was marked by a constant dedication to art and to creativity in its many manifestations. He was awarded the German Children’s Literature Award twice, in 1961 for “Jim Button and Luke the engine driver” and in 1974 for “Momo”.
Ende’s works have been turned into films, puppet theatre productions, plays, and operas. This vibrantly illustrated exhibition presents milestones in the life and work of Michael Ende, creating a vivid impression both of his development as an author and of his most important writings.
Content of the exhibition:
34 picture and text panels with photographic materials from Michael Ende’s estate and prints from his books
Bilingual text panels available in German/English, German/Spanish and German/Polish. Further translations upon request
Next venues:
10 January - 28 February 2025:
Neighbourhood Centre Pasing in Munich, Germany
In cooperation with the German Studies Association of Euskadi, Rioja and Navarra (GERN) / Spain (German/Spanish version):
20 January - 25 February 2025: Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Pontevedra
1 - 31 March 2025: University of Santiago de Compostela
31 May - 5 October 2025:
Seeon Abby, Germany
Further dates in planning!
Michael Ende at his desk: from the partial estate of Michael Ende, Stiftung Internationale Jugendbibliothek © Michael Endes Erben, represented by AVA international GmbH
Exhibitions in the Congress House Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany (© Philipp Gülland), at the Children's Book Fair in Rabka, Poland (Photo: Goethe-Institute), and at the Book Fair FILIJ Feria Internacional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil in Mexico-City (Photo: Goethe-Institute)