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Travelling Exhibition

It's All About Family!

Family Representations in Contemporary Picture Books

The profound social changes of the last decades have impacted all realms of life, including family. Today, children grow up in a very wide range of familial circumstances: in traditional father-mother-child families, in single-parent families, in patchwork families, or with same-sex parents or adoptive parents.

The “Alles Familie!” exhibition traces how this development is reflected in the production of contemporary picture books. Aesthetically attractive examples of all conceivable forms of family and diverse aspects of family life are showcased in a systematic manner. This exhibition is entertaining, stimulating, witty and challenging.

Content of the exhibition:
50 picture books, 2 text panels, 30 picture panels, and 3 large-format banners with illustrations showing diverse forms and aspects of family life. Every picture panel is accompanied by a short description of the book from which it is taken.

Includes an exhibition catalogue

Text panels available in German and Russian, catalogue available in German. Further translations upon request

Exhibition displayed 2022 at the Public Library in Merseburg, Germany, and 2023 at the Ecole Fondamentale Münsbach, Luxemburg, and in Castle Höchstädt, Germany (© Hörter)

Philip Waechter, from "Sohntage", © 2008 Beltz & Gelberg, Weinheim / Basel
Wolf Erlbruch, from "Leonard", Peter Hammer Verlag