(c) Stephen Michael King
(c) Stephen Michael King
Jul 2416:00

Opening of Humour Trail

Starting the summer with jokes, nonsense poems and with a bang

Courtyard of Blutenburg Castle

From mid-July until the beginning of November, an array of panels featuring cheerful and funny illustrations from picture books will be on display along a path outside the walls of Blutenburg castle. This open-air exhibition trail bears the title "Children's games. Humorous illustrations for young and old".

To mark the opening of this "Humorparcours" (humour trail), we are inviting families with children to enjoy a reading session with music at the Blutenburg and take a (guided) walk along the art trail. The street musicians from Duo Paprižka will liven up the atmosphere with their belly drum and accordion, while actress Pia Zimmermann will recite crazy children's poems and jokes. That afternoon, children and adults will get in the mood for the upcoming summer weeks with loud sounds, quirky and entertaining texts.

The event is free of charge.

A cooperation of the Forum Humor und Komische Kunst e.V. and the Stiftung Internationale Jugendbibliothek as a contribution to the Humorfestival 2024.
With the kind support of Bürgervereinigung Obermenzing e.V. and The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.