12.30 and 14.00
Presentation of the Poetry Recommendations for Children
From 2024, the poetry recommendations for children will be published annually: a selection of eleven titles aimed at a reading audience between the ages of three and eleven - and of course at readers of all ages.
Six literary institutions have joined forces for this project, which aims to make children's poetry more visible in all its diversity and thus also support authors, publishers, libraries and bookshops.
Above all, however, the recommendations aim to convey a desire for poetic language games and thus promote language acquisition and reading skills.
The recommendations will be announced on World Poetry Day, 21 March 2024.
They will be presented at the Leipzig Book Fair on 22 March:
12.30 - 13.00, Hall 2, Forum Literature and Audio, Stand F 401 (more info here)
14.00 - 14.30, Hall 3, Lesebude, Stand B 408 (more info here)
Numerous events are being planned in German-speaking countries. There are also handouts on teaching poetry for educational professionals in day-care centres and primary schools.
You will find all information from 21 March 2024 at www.lyrik-empfehlungen.de
The "Poetry Recommendations for Children" are a cooperation project between the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, the Stiftung Internationale Jugendbibliothek, the Stiftung Lyrik Kabinett, the Haus für Poesie, the Deutscher Bibliotheksverband, and the Deutscher Literaturfonds.