Exhibition Opening
Axel Scheffler
Picture Worlds for Big and Small
As the illustrator of the Gruffalo, Axel Scheffler has achieved what many picture book artists can only dream of: the goofy monster with his pointed claws and bright orange eyes has crept into children's rooms a million times over and spread little scares. But what is the secret of the Gruffalo's success? What kind of artist is behind this genius creation? Axel Scheffler is a master of subtlety, a humorous storyteller and a keen observer of human emotions.
On the occasion of Axel Scheffler's 65th birthday, the International Youth Library is showing well-known and less well-known works from the illustrator's studio. Originals, sketches and preparatory work provide an insight into the studio of an extraordinarily productive and witty illustrator who is far more than the father of the Gruffalo. The exhibition can be found in the Wehrgang Gallery of the International Youth Library.
Illustration 1: aus: Axel Scheffler; Frantz Wittkamp, In die Wälder gegangen, einen Löwen gefangen © 2016 Beltz & Gelberg in der Verlagsgruppe Beltz, Weinheim Basel
Illustration 2: © Axel Scheffler, Gruffalo
Illustration 3: © Axel Scheffler, Lieschen Radieschen, 1994