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Jul 2410:00

Lecture for Grades 11 to 13

Lecture for School Classes: Dragons and Walls. The Representation of the Separation Wall in Palestinian and Israeli Children's Literature (in English)


In this talk, Loaay Wattad will explore the nuanced and powerful ways in which Israeli and Palestinian children's literature represents the Separation Wall, a prominent and contentious symbol in the Israeli-Palestinian history. Through an examination of selected picture books, he will uncover how these stories serve not only as narratives for children but also as vehicles for political expression and resistance. The lecture will highlight how these books reflect the differing perspectives and experiences on each side of the Wall, and how they engage young readers with complex issues of freedom, identity, and justice. By showcasing tangible instances where the Wall is both metaphorically and physically overcome, these picture books offer a subversive interpretation of the present reality, presenting a cautiously optimistic vision for the future.

Loaay Wattad is a 2023-2024 EUME Postdoc Fellow, a literary scholar and critic specializing in the sociology of Palestinian and Israeli children's literature. His doctoral thesis, "Minor Literature for Minor Readers," at Tel Aviv University, focused on the sociology of Palestinian children's literature and the publishing economy under colonial fragmentation. His current research at the Internationale Jugendbibliothek explores themes of walls and political fantasy in children's and youth literature.

The lecture will be given in English

July 12, 2024, 10.00 AM
Jella-Lepmann-Hall / Blutenburg Castle
suitable for Grades 11 to 13

Cost: € 3 per student
Duration: approximately 1 hour
To sign up you can send an email to programm@ijb.de or call 089 891211 49.